
Skincare for Beginners

I have spent years trying different beauty products to see what works and what doesn’t. And trust me, it can get overwhelming very fast. Since the beauty industry is overly congested with thousands of products it can be hard to narrow your focus because everything sounds like something you “have to have” in order to take care of your skin. But at the end of the day you don’t NEED all of these products to achieve better skin. This post is for the minimalist who wants to take care of their skin but doesn’t want to break the bank and do 7 to 8 steps with different products for morning and night (like I do).

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE my skincare routine but it’s not for everyone. And honestly, some days I don’t want to take the time to do every step so I do a few of them and call it good. Something is better than nothing. Soooo without further rambling, here are the steps/products you can use for both your beginner morning and night skincare routine.


Minimalist Skincare

Step 1 – TULA


In the morning I skip my cleanser and just rinse my face with water! I’ve found that washing my face twice a day dries out my skin. At night I love using my Tula oil cleanser to wash away my makeup and pollutants from the day. I NEVER go to bed without washing my face…even if I keep Steve up longer than he wants because I take a long time in the bathroom lol (sorry not sorry).


Eye Cream

I use an eye cream both morning and night. The reason I think this step is for everyone and you shouldn’t just use your face moisturizer under your eyes is because the skin under our eyes and above our lips is very delicate. Most face moisturizers are too dense to penetrate the skin around our eyes. Eye cream will also help with puffiness, dark circles and aging. It’s a must in my book. Also – the metal tip applicator is amazing for depuffing in the morning.


Step 3 – CLARINS

Face Cream

Finding the right face cream for you can be hard depending on your skin type. I’ve found that this Clarins moisturizer works great for me! And it doesn’t hurt that it smells AMAZING. I use a dime size and apply it all over my face, neck and chest.



Facial Oil

Hydration is key for healthy glowing skin. I believe in using serums but if you are on a budget they can get pretty pricey. I talk about the difference between a serum and oil here and the benefits to using both. But in this case, using an oil will provide benefits at a lower cost. Hydration helps with aging…it might not undo aging or have ingredients that penetrate deeper into your skin like a serum but it’s better than just using a moisturizer. Think of it this way,  facial oil = added hydration which = aging gracefully.




I ALWAYS use an spf during the day, especially when I know I’m going to be in the sun. How you add this into your routine is up to you. Some people like to have it in their moisturizer but I don’t. I like to have the option of wearing a moisturizer in the evening when I redo my makeup or at night without having the spf in it. I use a bottle of just spf at the end of my routine but you can have it in your moisturizer or makeup. I say use at least spf 30, I don’t believe in anything less than that 🙂



And there you have it! Five products that you can use morning and night to keep your skin looking clean, fresh, glowing and youthful. Thank you for reading and leave any comments/questions below.




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